It seems to me that the recent polar vortex is convincing many more people in the US about the urgent need to combat climate change. People are also encouraged by the pro-free market/carbon pricing approach argued for in the recent books by Bill Gates and Michael Mann.

Hopefully we will be seeing far more Republicans supporting the need for decarbonisation (and CF&D as the means to do so) and Democrats realising it can complement the Green Deal.

If CF&D gets on the statute books of the US our own government will have to take note! After all, as I have mentioned before once or twice, the report on the Future of Carbon Pricing in the UK (June 2020) stated that…

Placing a price on carbon creates the incentive for emissions to be reduced in a cost effective and technology-neutral way, while mobilising the private sector to invest in emissions reduction technologies and measures. (p 39, para 201).

Here you can see Mitt Romney giving a brilliantly simple explanation of Carbon Fee and Dividend and why he is supporting a new bill….