Yesterday the President of COP28, Sultan Al Jaber, laid out his strategy for the summit and if fulfilled it could be ground breaking. Al Jaber reconfirmed the commitment to keeping below 1.5 Celsius, which did seem threatened last year. He has also removed the word emissions from the plan to phase out fossil fuels, observers…
British Energy Security Strategy
The Government’s revised energy stategy has had extensive coverage since its release yesterday. One piece of good news is that the need for Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is now back on the agenda. Sadly though, the Government has not taken this opportunity to reconsider the decision to continue to maximise the exploitation of the…
Citizens’ Climate Lobby believes in the art of the possible, we seek a dialogue with whoever holds the reins of government to build political will for a liveable world. Who knows what the next few months may bring, it is possible that we may have a Conservative Prime Minister who will be ideologically opposed to…
The commitments of COP26 seem to have been forgotten in the rush to approve new oil and gas fields, ostensibly justified by the need for energy security. On June 1st the Fossil Fuel Non Proliferation Treaty organisation (FFNPT) published the report Fuelling Failure, How oil, gas and coal are driving climate change and sabotaging the…
The crisis caused by the war in Ukraine has prompted the Government to rejig its energy policy in order to increase energy security by reducing the need for imported fuel. This rethink could have been an opportunity to move away from the use of gas as our base load fuel and stick to our commitments…