Another year of dangerous heat waves and related crises across the globe highlights the urgent need to resolve the issue of Loss and Damage financing and implementation. A new study in the journal Climatic Change, according to an AP News press release, states that five of the world’s biggest emitters – the US, China, India,…
Global Climate Advocacy Groups Applaud G7 Climate Club SUDBURY, ON — The Leaders of the Group of Seven (G7), have just concluded their summit in Elmau, Germany. The G7 countries are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union. The summit was conducted at a critical juncture for…

Two more days to join the call to the G7 to Steer us to Safety – further information about G7 – sign before the 26th June
Over 500 Climate Advocates From 49 Countries Urge G7 Leaders to Steer Us to Safety Letter calls on G7 leaders to rapidly redirect financial flows, adopt a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty & finance climate resilient development Every day, we are feeling and witnessing the effects of climate change—drought, wildfire, floods, extreme heat, hurricanes, sea-level rise,…
Citizens’ Climate International is asking us all to sign a letter petition to the G7 to ask that the call for just and effective global carbon pricing be heeded. Please add your voice to this call, it may be the most important petition you ever get the chance to sign! Group of 7 Summit meetings…

Positive news on CBAM and Alok Sharma argues that the geopolitical crisis calls for more rather than less renewables.
The G7 is considering beginning negotiations on a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) at its meeting in June. Liz Truss had appeared keen on promoting CBAM at the G7 last year but the idea seemed to have been put on the back burner and the Board of Trade Report in July , (21/7/21) promoted a…
UBI Center is a think tank whose mission is “To make universal basic income the world’s most thoroughly researched economic policy“. They have just published (23rd April) a blog discussing their analysis of carbon pricing with dividends in the UK and the results won’t surprise anyone in CCL. They start by pointing out that the…
I’m much less grumpy today. I can at least now get into the plenary sessions which means that I get to hear new announcements first hand. I’m still not able to listen in on the really detailed negotiation sessions but, perhaps, that’s not surprising. I may have been given the wrong impression by the subsidiary-body…
I was made aware of the motion that went through Milton Keynes council by a mentor of mine, Jake Chapman, and immediately saw the importance of the Climate Fee and Dividend system. For too long, corporate giants have exploited our political and economic systems, citing the mantra of growth, while devastating ecosystems and communities alike.…
On Saturday 14th August, 11-year-old Jude Courtney-Walker, arrived in Downing Street, having walked the 200 miles from Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire, to bring the prime minister a petition about carbon pricing – Carbon pricing?? Given that relatively few adults – even in government, even now – grasp the real significance of carbon pricing, how did it inspire a boy just…
CCL does not advocate any particular technology or approach to decarbonising the UK’s economy. We simply propose to make fossil fuels more expensive so that alternatives (from loft-insulation to nuclear fusion) can thrive. So, you may think that this week’s announcement, by the UK government, of a strategy to promote development of hydrogen is not…