Join Professor Dave Waltham and weather enthusiast Eric Gilbert to discuss weather since 1984, how much time for action we have to keep within the 1.5 degrees global temperature rise, and how a carbon fee and dividend can help.

Tuesday 23 October 2018, 7.30pm
In person: the Enterprise Centre at St John’s School, Marlborough, Wiltshire
– through reception, up the main stairs and turn right.
Online/phone: (via Zoom, full instructions below)
Free entry but a donation will help CCL’s work
Register your attendance above, or book a ticket through Eventbrite

Local weatherman Eric Gilbert will join a Marlborough-based professor of earth sciences to explore climate change on our doorstep – and as part of a global issue.

Eric Gilbert (pictured above with his weather station) who has been recording the weather daily in Marlborough, Wiltshire for 34 years, will talk about the trends he has noticed at a very local level.

Professor Dave Waltham teaches students to look for oil at Royal Holloway University earth sciences department, yet as a scientist knows the devastating contribution fossil fuels have made to climate change.

He has developed a model which demonstrates the time we have left to bring down greenhouse gas emissions if we are to meet the Paris Agreement of no more than 1.5 degree global rise in temperature.

After the presentations, Citizens’ Climate Lobby UK executive committee member Louisa Davison will discuss the global organisation’s solution of a carbon fee and dividend, where carbon from fossil fuels is taxed and the revenue is divided equally among UK citizens.

Online instructions

If you can’t make the event, you can join it on your computer, smart phone or tablet via Zoom on the link above.

Please join ten minutes in advance to download the Zoom app or plugin.

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iPhone one-tap :
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