Citizens’ Climate Lobby UK’s first conference, Saturday 16 March 2019, National Self-Build Centre, Swindon!
Please click here to book a place (via Eventbrite).
The conference will support volunteers to be effective grassroots activists and lobbyists with lively talks and fun workshops.
Tickets to include tea, coffee, water, cake and biscuits. Bring your own lunch (or buy from venue), dinner/hotel (if required) booked separately.
If you really want to attend the conference and can’t afford the booking price, please talk to us at [email protected]
If you can’t attend in person, you can participate online. Just make a donation via the ‘tickets’ link, send an email to Louisa, and she will send you the weblink.
Outline timetable
Friday 15th March
social meet up at 8pm, venue tbc
Saturday 16th March
– registration from 9am
– conference begins at 10am
– talks and workshops include:-
- Keynote talk from Cathy Orlando (pictured above, middle) – international outreach manager for Citizens Climate Lobby US and national director of CCL Canada – the first country to adopt carbon fee and dividend.
- Keynote talk from James Close, Climate Change Director for the World Bank, chair of the Advisory Board at the Blockchain Climate Institute and a trustee for the Trust for Sustainable Living as well as the Advisor to the Global Centre for Adaptation. James brings over 25 years of experience in the field of energy policy, climate change, and private infrastructure investment and public-private partnerships. He worked with the Lord Mayor of London on the Low Carbon Capital prospectus and spent two years as head of the Corporate and Private Finance team at the UK Treasury.
- Climate Museum – a brand new interactive ‘pop up’ museum, helping us to think creatively about climate change and activism
- What makes carbon fee and dividend the main solution to climate change?
- Activism the CCL way.
- How to be friends with your MP with Hope for the Future, specialists in training people to work with MPs on climate change.
- Workshops in making presentations about climate change and our solution fun and effective, and taking a stand at community events
- What next: an action plan, with the Climate Museum
- Plus meeting other CCL members and talking about the way forward for CCL UK to tackle climate change.
Dinner (charged separately) will be at 6.30pm, venue tbc
There are two hotels next to the Self-Build Centre. It is right next to junction 16 on the M4, has excellent rail links and bus links.
If you live far from Swindon and fancy a weekend of it, it’s near to the World Heritage site of Avebury and more.
Please click here to book a place (via Eventbrite).
Every booking includes a £1 carbon offset fee which will be passed on to the Woodland Trust.
Useful info
(via Google Docs – click to view document)