The escalating energy bills and conflict in Ukraine are creating a big threat to climate change action.

Instead of doubling down and powering up the move to clean energy, there’s a threat that the UK government may turn to increased oil and gas production and fracking. This would create more greenhouse gases when we’ve been told by the IPCC that we have a short window left to drastically reduce emissions to save our liveable climate.

Increasing production could bolster the global energy market and increase Russia’s income from fossil fuels, and make it harder in the long run to adjust to life without fossil fuels.

To counter this, CCL UK are ramping up their lobbying efforts. We are looking for people to join our Energy Crisis Action Team – could you help with these?

  • Talk to other organisations to encourage them to join forces in our lobbying?
  • Research?
  • Encourage/brief CCL UK members to urgently contact their MP, pushing for a Climate Income to keep fossil fuel prices high but protect our household finances?
  • Promote our lobbying through an open letter to the PM and policymakers – social media, PR, letter to editor, promo film/animation making?
  • Provide lobbying or government policy expertise?
  • Provide expertise in clean energy solutions and the energy market?
  • Anything else?

Next meeting: Thursday 31st March, 8pm (via Zoom)

Join the Action Team