Tag: COP26


As an affiliate of Citizens’ Climate International (CCI), CCL UK aims to build the political will for a liveable world and is nonpartisan – our aim is to put the case for Climate Income to every major UK party. We recently succeeded in arranging a meeting and starting a dialogue with Labour MPs Alan Whitehead…


The outgoing UN High-Level Climate Action champion, Nigel Topping, has stated that the world could reach Net Zero by the early 2040s, reiterating what other bodies, including Citizens’ Climate International, have been saying. During the two years he was in office he working on encouraging businesses to join the UN Race to Zero initiative which…


Chris Stark,Chief Executive of the Committee on Climate Change, tweeted this this morning…So, in light of the Glasgow Climate Pact, we recommend that the Treasury reviews the role of the tax system in delivering Net Zero, including how higher and more consistent carbon prices can be achieved across the economy. What more can we say!

James Collis and Dave Waltham COP26
15th November 2021

Was COP26 a success?

Was COP26 a success? Ask me again in a few years.   As expected, the COP failed to produce adequate finance for developing nations whilst the combined emissions pledges of the world’s governments do not, yet, come near to the cuts required to avoid catastrophic climate change. However, the “Paris Rulebook” was completed which means that…


The COP26 was tasked, during negotiations for the Paris Agreement itself, with providing a clear moment for upgrading global ambition toward stopping the advance of dangerous climate change. We must all recognize that negotiations themselves do not change the geophysical reality, but they can create conditions where the actions that follow do provide meaningful mitigation…


Cathy Orlando, Citizens Climate International Project Director and director of CCL Canada took part in the walk out from the People’s Plenary at COP26 today to protest at the draft deal described as  ‘a death sentence for vulnerable countries’. Participants were dismayed by the lack of progress on the $100 bn pledge, the stalemate on…


The first week of the COP26 was a roller coaster of major announcements and frustrations around access. The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) now includes 450 institutions controlling $130 trillion that will begin to align with science-based net zero targets. This could have a transformational impact on the mobilization of private-sector capital, and also on…