Back in October 131 companies, worth a combined $1 trillion in revenue, joined in the Fossil to Clean campaign, sending a letter to urge the heads of state attending COP28 to commit to a full phase-out of unabated fossil fuels, a tripling of renewable energy and a doubling in the pace of energy efficiency reforms…………
Tag: global emissions
New report ‘Climate Equality: A planet for the 99%’ ….
Over the past 6 months Oxfam, The Guardian, Stockholm Environment Institute et al have been working on a report, Climate Equality: A planet for the 99%. The report details how the richest 1% emit more carbon than the poorest 66%. Not only do their transport, heating, air conditioning and doomsday bunker choices emit tonnes more…

Sadly, as feared, the Government has decided to back the wrong horse…(updated on 1/8/23).
Despite all the evidence that the world can’t remain below 1.5C of global warming if new oil and gas exploitation continues, yesterday the UK Government gave the go ahead for exploration and production in the North Sea. The Government argues that it is essential for energy security, will ensure prices can be lessened and that…
Was COP26 a success? Ask me again in a few years. As expected, the COP failed to produce adequate finance for developing nations whilst the combined emissions pledges of the world’s governments do not, yet, come near to the cuts required to avoid catastrophic climate change. However, the “Paris Rulebook” was completed which means that…

COP26 – Summing up statement from Citizens’ Climate International – Glasgow Pact invites historic race to enhanced climate action
The COP26 was tasked, during negotiations for the Paris Agreement itself, with providing a clear moment for upgrading global ambition toward stopping the advance of dangerous climate change. We must all recognize that negotiations themselves do not change the geophysical reality, but they can create conditions where the actions that follow do provide meaningful mitigation…

Statement from Citizens’ Climate International on the progress at COP26, released on November 11th – Glasgow outcomes need to protect & enhance human wellbeing
The first week of the COP26 was a roller coaster of major announcements and frustrations around access. The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) now includes 450 institutions controlling $130 trillion that will begin to align with science-based net zero targets. This could have a transformational impact on the mobilization of private-sector capital, and also on…
I’m much less grumpy today. I can at least now get into the plenary sessions which means that I get to hear new announcements first hand. I’m still not able to listen in on the really detailed negotiation sessions but, perhaps, that’s not surprising. I may have been given the wrong impression by the subsidiary-body…

Citizens’ Climate lnternational statement on COP26 by Jo Robertson, Citizens’ Climate International – Executive Director
COP26: Acting together to secure a livable future The COP26—the 26th Conference of the Parties to the Convention—brings together leaders from 196 nations and thousands of observer organizations, to detail national climate action commitments, settle on operational rules for cooperative emissions reduction, and mobilize unprecedented levels of climate-related finance. The result must be a mainstreaming…