A recent report discussed research on attitudes towards climate change and solutions which included Climate Income. The research covered 40,000 respondents from 20 countries representing 72% of global CO2 emissions. The results show climate policy support hinges on three key beliefs:
• effectiveness – does it work ?
• inequality – is it fair ?
• household self-interest – will we be better off ?
Good News:
Over 80% of people agree that climate change is important and that their country should take measures to fight climate change.
Bad News:
Informing people about the impacts of climate change, with climate impact videos, has little effect…..(to quote a much loved TV character ‘We’re doomed’!)
Good News:
Addressing these concerns, with more positive climate policy videos, can substantially increase the support for climate policies. In particular, for carbon tax with transfers (Climate Income), policy support grew more than double any other policy type. Showing just the policy video, support increases on average by ~10%. In Europe that varies between 8% in France to 15% extra support in Italy. Showing both videos raised the average support across European countries by over 14%.
It is interesting to note that, even before the video viewing, the concept of a carbon tax with the proceeds returned to household garnered wide support in high income European countries. Among those who expressed an opinion support for the policy ranged an average of 54% to 71%.
We tested the video in Brussels with NGOs who have their own priorities for revenue and thus are often the most resistant to citizen rebates. It prompted interest and one particular quote:
“Now I see why the citizen dividend is needed !”
I heartily recommend sharing these videos with NGOs, public, etc, I suspect legislators will also be interested.
The UK climate policy video
In short: 5 minute videos can persuade most people to support Climate Income because it offers a solution to climate change rather than just making people feel either helpless or guilty.
- Exposure to information on solutions is persuasive.
- Additional exposure to information on climate impact helps, but only marginally.