Zero Hour is campaigning to get the Climate and Nature Bill passed into law. The proposed law addresses climate change, global warming, and the nature crisis in line with the most up-to-date science. The CAN Bill is the only proposed legislation before the UK Parliament that ensures a comprehensive and joined-up approach to the emergency.…
Tag: Climate Change
Statement from the CCI newsletter for October 2024 At the end of October, parts of Spain were inundated with more rain in one day than normally falls in several months. Torrents of water pushed cars through the streets of cities, and more than 200 people perished in the floodwaters. A month earlier, similar scenes unfolded…
Oxfam reports that carbon inequality kills…..
Reports on the need for policy reform to curb emissions are coming thick and fast. The Lethal Humidity global council of scientists is alerting the world to the fact that the concept of carbon offsetting just doesn’t stack up, quite literally as trees fall down and die, emitting carbon dioxide! Oxfam’s new briefing paper, ‘Carbon…
The Climate and Nature Bill will have its second reading soon – help to ensure it passes this hurdle.
Zero Hour is campaigning to get the Climate and Nature Act into law. The bill was first introduced by Caroline Lucas in 2020 and reintroduced by Alex Sobel this year, with a first reading on 15 May 24. It is described as: A Bill to require the United Kingdom to achieve climate and nature targets;…
Our chance to show how Climate Income could help the new Government achieve its net zero targets!
As everyone will be aware the political landscape suddenly changed overnight on the 4th of July! CCL UK welcomes the new attitude where getting to Net Zero is seen as a real opportunity. (Article updated 18/7/24). There is a very useful analysis of exactly what the challenges and opportunities are on the Carbon Brief website.…
Guterres doesn’t mince his words…..
On Wednesday UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres made his most hard hitting condemnation of the fossil fuel industry ever. Citing the latest European Commission Copernicus Climate Change Service report showing last month was the hottest May in history, the UN chief said global emissions need to fall nine per cent every year just to keep the…
The cost of climate change just got an update…..
A new working paper (i.e. not yet peer reviewed) has been published by The National Bureau of Economic Research (US). Titled “The Macroeconomic Impact of Climate Change: Global vs. Local Temperature”, the paper claims that the macroeconomic damages from climate change have been seriously underestimated and are six times worse than thought. It has been…
Climate Change Committee gives verdict on the implications of COP28
Yesterday the Climate Change Committee released its summary of the implications of the Cop28 outcome for the UK. The CCC warns that the government’s “mixed messages” did damage its reputation on the world stage and decarbonisation progress beyond electricity generation is lagging. Non energy generation emissions must quadruple to meet the UK’s target under the…
Why we don’t need the Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill
Green Party MP Caroline Lucas has written an article in Business Green (paywall), (summary in Carbon Brief) about the pointlessness of the Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill. She points out that annual licensing rounds can and already do happen, so no new legislation is needed; it is just “a political stunt that will harm the UK’s…
Reith Lecture asks for a redistributive carbon tax!
Ben Ansell’s final Reith Lecture on ‘Our Democratic Future’, called for a truly democratic responses to the problem of climate change and emphasised the need for a fair, redistributive carbon tax. (Extract below, note that Ben Ansell is citing the earliest examples of CI implementation which have been more widely analysed in the academic literature).…