Two years on from Greta Thunberg’s first solo school strike for the climate, in an interview with the Guardian Greta says the world has wasted the time by failing to take the necessary action on the crisis. ..

“Looking back [over two years], a lot has happened. Many millions have taken to the streets … and on 28 November 2019, the European parliament declared a climate and environmental emergency, But over these last two years, the world has also emitted over 80bn tonnes of CO2. We have seen continuous natural disasters taking place across the globe. Many lives and livelihoods have been lost, and this is only the very beginning.They said leaders were speaking of an “existential crisis”, yet “when it comes to action, we are still in a state of denial. The gap between what we need to do and what’s actually being done is widening by the minute. Effectively, we have lost another two crucial years to political inaction.”….

One of our media team members, Gareth Ackland, has written a letter to the Guardian in response to this article which is a good summary of our position on climate change and how to solve it:

Greta Thunberg’s disappointment in our leaders is justified, and felt by environmentalists everywhere. It’s not that those leaders are committed to harming the planet, but they are clearly reluctant to make changes they fear may harm their economies, upset business, entrench poverty or otherwise derail their reelection hopes. Only a policy that deals with both climate and politics can hope to be applied. Climate Income (aka Carbon Fee and Dividend) is a policy championed by the Citizens Climate Lobby, with growing support among scientists, economists and think tanks. It proposes a fee on all import or extraction of fossil fuels. The fee rises over time, and all proceeds are shared equally between all citizens as a quarterly dividend.

As businesses shift toward renewables, the least well off 70% find their dividend is worth more than any consumer price rises. Also, wealthier consumers are encouraged to green their choices, and investors are given a clear message about the direction of travel. Environmental hopes are already piling up. Renewables are producing a larger share of energy needs, fossil fuel firms are shrinking their asset values while diversifying and the divestment movement is growing. But damage is piling up faster. With the right policies, hopes can outpace damage, and eventually beat it into retreat.

Our leaders cannot waste any more time in inaction. We cannot waste any time avoiding the realpolitik that is a bedrock for any coming change. Instead, we can count ourselves lucky that there is a solution that is both highly effective and politically possible.