To join the meeting, click on this link* at 7.30pm or 8pm
*Please note: if you haven’t used Zoom before on this device, clicking the link will automatically download the Zoom app or plugin.
7.30 – 8pm
Introduction to CCL UK for those new to Citizens’ Climate Lobby, carbon fee and dividend, and to the EU Citizens’ Initiative
– CCL and carbon fee and dividend news / successes and struggles – let’s celebrate what we’ve done and support each other when we need it
– EU Citizens’ Initiative – what action can we each do in October to encourage others to sign it?
– CCL UK needs people! Would you like to help in the overall organisation of CCL UK? Find out more.
We need:
- Steering group members – strategy, planning, governance, liason with international groups
- Parliamentary / political party / legislation team – keep us up to date on the latest developments, support for political party / MP relationships, keeping tabs on which MPs have been contacted
- Fundraising team
- Membership team
- Digital team – social media, website development, e-news, video instructionals and promotional, web content writing
- Media team – CCL press releases, letters to the editor
- Creative team – creative ways to promote CCL eg stunts, arts projects, writing, music, films
- Economics team – how do the numbers work? How will CF&D affect the UK economy?
- Local groups team – to support new local groups; regional co-ordinators
- Blog writers
- Campaign team – coordinating national and monthly campaigns and action
- Monthly online meetings – organising speakers, sending out actions and notifications
- Events team – national conference, providing support for taking stands at events, support for regional events
- Grassroots team – support for those communicating with local groups, whether that’s raising awareness or asking for endorsements
- Grasstops team – support for those communicating with national organisations and ‘celebrities’, whether that’s raising awareness or asking for endorsements
- EU team – liaise with groups across the EU
- Or suggest something!
Add your signature
If you haven’t already, add your signature to the European Citizen’s Initiative for carbon fee and dividend – also known as climate income
Next monthly meetings
Third Tuesday of the month, 8pm, same web link for each one:
19 November 2019
17 December 2019
21 January
18 February
17 March
21 April
19 May
16 June
21 July
No August
15 September
20 October 2020
17 November 2020
15 December 2020