Tag: Climate emergency


The Climate Legacy of Justin Trudeau A Perspective from Citizens’ Climate Lobby Canada Justin Trudeau’s tenure as Prime Minister marks a pivotal chapter in Canada’s climate history, having accomplished more on climate policy than any other Canadian leader. The climate agenda began in 2015 with the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. Developed in…


Statement from the CCI newsletter for October 2024 At the end of October, parts of Spain were inundated with more rain in one day than normally falls in several months. Torrents of water pushed cars through the streets of cities, and more than 200 people perished in the floodwaters. A month earlier, similar scenes unfolded…


Reports on the need for policy reform to curb emissions are coming thick and fast. The Lethal Humidity global council of scientists is alerting the world to the fact that the concept of carbon offsetting just doesn’t stack up, quite literally as trees fall down and die, emitting carbon dioxide! Oxfam’s new briefing paper, ‘Carbon…


On Wednesday UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres made his most hard hitting condemnation of the fossil fuel industry ever. Citing the latest European Commission Copernicus Climate Change Service report showing last month was the hottest May in history, the UN chief said global emissions need to fall nine per cent every year just to keep the…


A new working paper (i.e. not yet peer reviewed) has been published by The National Bureau of Economic Research (US). Titled “The Macroeconomic Impact of Climate Change: Global vs. Local Temperature”, the paper claims that the macroeconomic damages from climate change have been seriously underestimated and are six times worse than thought. It has been…


A new Climate Damages Tax report has been published by Stamp out Poverty. The first was published in 2018 before the Loss and Damage Fund was agreed at COP28 which was kick-started by the UAE’s $100 million pledge. By 2 December 2023, a cumulative total of $655.9 million had been pledged to the Loss and…


Politics in the real world is hard. As an international organisation working to influence politicians and policy makers across the globe Citizens’ Climate Lobby understand the pressures, even in countries where Climate Income is established like Canada and Switzerland. It is not our place to discuss and speculate on the decision of Labour to drop…