Tag: climate income


The Women’s Institute is a uniquely trusted organisation and on the 17th October, I was fortunate to attend the WI Climate Conference 2023. Held in Westminster it attracted an impressive programme of speakers, opening with Theresa May, followed by Alok Sharma, and Ed Milliband. Panels included Chris Skidmore and representatives from the Grantham Institute, Green…


Citizens’ Climate International Press release: SEPT. 29, 2023 — Citizens’ Climate International welcomes the introduction of legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives that would place a steadily rising fee on the carbon content of fossil fuels and return revenue from the fee to households.  The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, introduced by Rep.…


The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change—the Synthesis Report for the 6th Assessment—is being described as “a survival guide for humanity”. That is because scientific evidence now makes clear: unchecked climate disruption will make it impossible to feed all of humankind, sustain ecosystems and biodiversity in all regions, and will lead to…


As an affiliate of Citizens’ Climate International (CCI), CCL UK aims to build the political will for a liveable world and is nonpartisan – our aim is to put the case for Climate Income to every major UK party. We recently succeeded in arranging a meeting and starting a dialogue with Labour MPs Alan Whitehead…


I recently wrote this article about Climate Income for the John Ray Initiative Website. (their strapline is : Connecting Environment, Science & Christianity). I was asked to reproduce it here and I hope you all find it useful and inspiring! What if there was a single ‘silver bullet’ policy that would bring down emissions of…


G20-Leaders-Follow-the-Money (1)Citizens Climate International is asking G20 leaders to ‘’Follow the Money”…….’It is similar to the #G7 #SteerUsToSafety campaign where you all asked friends and family to send letters and secured 1194 letters from 80 countries.  We know that German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz, the G7 was informed directly of all your work. Together across the…